Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Wiimote!!

If there were ever a time to laugh out loud at other people, at clumsy people, that time is now!

Excitable Nintendo fanboys smash TVs with flying Wiimotes

Related Entries:

Wii Smash

It seems that some overeager Wii users have gotten a bit too worked up while playing Wii Sports, bowling so hard that the strap of their Wiimote snapped, sending the controller barreling into their TVs. Is there anything worse than bowling for a spare and ending up with a busted big screen TV? As easy as it would be to blame Nintendo for making shoddy wrist straps, let's be honest here: if you're whipping your controller around so fast that it reaches TV-smashing velocity, you're playing the game with a bit too much energy. It seems likely to me that people might have been playing without the wrist strap, got a bit too worked up, had their palmsweat send the Wiimote flying, then snipped the strap afterwards for sympathy/free TV from Nintendo points. Let this be a lesson to the rest of you, wear the strap, and simmer down.

Awww! Cute Japanese men and smart cars spreading Wii love! I look forward to the many funny tales of injury and mayhem the wiimotes cause.

On a more serious note, I hope it doesn't kill the Wii, there have been calls of foul play and disbelief in the comments of these stories (this and many more have been spread all over the web - check out Engadget for multiple accounts), but there has also been much concern and talk of suing Nintendo. Also, because they're dorks, they started doing math formulas to see with what force the wiimote would need to be thrown to break a TV. My father firmly believes that the Wii will keep going unchecked -"They let go of the remote - not Nintendo's problem," and I hope he's right.
Hey Lawyer dude (yes that's you Matt), how would that go do you think?

Now to get back to high spirits, I want you to repeat after me :

and repeat :D

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This was a new Disney movie I had the unfortunate desire to watch recently. I was lured to the film by all the wonderful actors doing the voices, a whole long list of some of my favorite people. All that talent! Wasted! In a ten-star rating I'd be hard-pressed to give it even a whole star, I'm leaning more towards maybe a half-star, and that's really sad considering how lenient I generally am in movies. Even my mother, in a term I cannot recall her ever using before, rated the movie - "Lame" she said.

The whole movie was filled with annoying characters and jokes upon jokes upon jokes...and they were all bad. Bad, bad, bad. The only things I can go easy on are the soldier, Jon Stewart and his character (possibly because they tried to make less jokes), some of the rabbit's jokes weren't as bad as they could have been, and the ending song sequence (just because I adore that song). Mr. Blue Skies by ELO, they're probably counting on it to sell soundtracks. It's a good thing too, that the movie ended on a happy song note or I would have felt utterly desolate at my waste of two hours and the suffering of horrid jokes; as it was I was tapping my feet, vowing never to watch a British animated film again without reading the reviews first and vaguely resentful of time wasted. Tricky.

On the trivia section states that only two characters were not re-voiced for the American release. Bret Fetzer on writes that "Presumably, Doogal's target audience is the very young, yet the dialogue (rewritten for the American market) is crammed with allusions to adult fare like Saturday Night Live and Pulp Fiction. In fact--though it may have seemed differently with the original script--the entire movie comes across as an ungainly patchwork stitched together from scenes fromThe Wizard of Oz, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Matrix, Ice Age, and much more. The effect is not so much funny as inexplicable." Because I really am a nice person and hate to be so damning to a movie, I'm going to assume the British release was better, maybe even funny. Will I go find the British release and watch it? No. For those of you braves souls who are contemplating it, the title there is The Magic Roundabout.

Looking through the imdb reviews it's astonishing to see so many 1/10 star ratings, and Doogal has succesfully made it into the bottom 100 movies. There is some defense though for the movie, mostly through people who argue that it's for the under 3 age group, and randomly from some people who's first language isn't English. There were two, however, who created reviews of the movie that reminded me why I was an English major. They rated it highly, except they did it with supreme sarcasm.
Horneyman71 gave it ten stars and ended with this - "I could write for literally pages about the wonders that make up Doogal, but my hand grows weary. For people who say this movie is bad and for children under 1, i have only one thing to say: wrong. These white yuppies, living in yuppyville, do not know the real world, which in fact does consist of evil springs. This story reminds me of my childhood, when i too faced perilous danger, but with the help of my farting moose and hippie rabbit, i saved the day. Will Doogal? Things are about to get hairy!"

But my favorite review I shall publish in full, such is its brilliance.

Doogal is a magical fairy tale that will enchant kids of all ages., 27 July 2006
Author: Mythicalreviewer from Texas, USA

*** This comment may contain spoilers ***

The story revolves around a legend that tells of three "magic" diamonds that can be united to create a force powerful enough to freeze the sun. It is a believable enough premise because just the other day I was sweating profusely on a hot summer day and remarked how I would like to freeze the sun for a bit. If only I had these magical diamonds myself.

Of course there is always a bad guy and he is personified in the evil sorcerer Zeebad (funny name is it not?). Well "zee bad" guy escapes from a long lost ancient prison and makes a solemn promise to exact revenge for all of the bad meals he had in prison by deep-freezing the earth forever. Not just for a day or a week but FOREVER! When Zeebad said this it just sent shivers down my spine that someone could do such as dastardly deed. It is a scene that will disturb your emotions to the point of ripping you heart out.

As the movie unfolds the audience is treated with four unlikely heroes that band together to keep the dastardly (or bastardly?) Zeebad from achieving his villainous plot. Believe me when I say that you will breathe a sigh of relief once you learn of the crusade of these heroes.

Oh did I mention that the heroes are lovable mutts? The leader of the heroes is a candy-loving mutt named Doogal who tends to lick himself just a little too much for my tastes. Then with cute lovable mutt-friends Dylan, Brian, and Ermintrude, they all embark on an epic adventure to save the world.

But in order to find the three magical diamonds before Zeebad, they must brave icy mountains, negotiate fiery pits of molten lava, chart across vast oceans and pass through a booby-trapped temple guarded by an army of ninja skeleton warriors. All these serve to bring the realism of an exciting adventure that you will be sure to play over and over in your worst nightmares.

But the most beautiful aspect of this movie is the message that syrupy friendships can be the most powerful weapon, which even the evil Zeebad's magic cannot destroy.

I give this movie 10 stars for its soul inspiring message of using and leveraging friendships to achieving meaningless goals in one's life.

Hope you enjoyed. No it's not me, just a kindred soul from somewhere in Texas.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Normally I don't live for desserts, but here I'll make an exception.

Thanksgiving with the family in Waco. There was much enjoyment. It will probably be my last one for a while.

Black Friday was taken advantage of for getting stuff for New York - warm underthings, boots, coats, etc. The 3:30 am awakening time has messed up my already erratic sleeping schedule, but it was great fun as well.

Saturday! Saturday was my grandma's birthday! I have already sent her an e-card, but I'd like to say Happy Birthday! again here because she checks and reads my blog every day! Thank you and Happy Birthday Nannie!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I have to decided to share this video with everyone because 1) I had totally missed out on the Gay Barbie Song parody and it's something I enjoy and want to make sure nobody else misses, and 2) it's one of the very few times I've enjoyed anime!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Give Peace a Chance...

A website I was directed to recently...
They want us to direct our energy to peace...
Through very specific, high-energy actions...

Check it out
Click here

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Duo Video

A few captured moments of the duo. And a picture of Aaron for good measure. I don't have many of him from that day - he wasn't feeling photogenic, plus he broke my camera. :D


Amy and Andrew


Pictures I took in early November of my favorite nephew.

Rainy Days in CS

Some days were rainier than others. Literally and metaphorically. One day we got about 5 inches. This rain was pure joy.

The Days Grow Shorter....

Or daylight hours at least. Some such reason was going to be my excuse for neglecting to update my blog. But really, the guilt is here, and here I am, and no excuse will work. I am sorry if anyone missed my silly updates.

To begin my update, I'll do official things first. I was accepted to both grad schools I applied to, and I have decided to accept my future debt and skip all the way up to New York City to attend Pratt Institute. The application has been a bit messy, faxing things all over the place, visiting the doctor multiple times and getting to pee in a cup and sucked dry of blood - even an exciting skin test for tuberculosis! No, I tested negative, no tuberculosis for me. :) I'm still waiting to do exciting things like register, sign up for health insurace, and apply for loans because I'm not yet fully into the school's system. I'm waiting on their verdict of available housing or no, an anxious endeavor,and browsing apartments online in the meantime. It all has a sneaking possiblity of disastrous outcomes and bureaucratic nightmares, but I'm still quite enjoying it all currently.

I wandered around Texas earlier while I was in that exciting stage of school applications - waiting. It started with the mc chris concert, and that was followed by two weeks in College Station. I met with some old friends (including the coolest half-asian ever!! You rock Huong!) and got to know my host much better. There was much nerdiness involved, gaming, role-plying, Cephid, a gay bar, and even a Rocky Horror showing (yep, I got the big lipstick V). My host had work and school pretty much every day, so I generally rode the bus in with him (until I later stole his key and slept in later) and amused myself in the University library. I averaged about a book a day generally, plus the newspaper and accompanying crossword and sudoku. We spent lots of time goofing around, wandering around, and just being generally good-natured. The combination of two smiley people can make any event or non-event pretty much joyous. I enjoyed my stay in College Station.

After that I make a trip to Waco for a week. The little boy is growing and going full steam ahead, and is just adorable. He now knows my name and uses it on occasion when attempting to play me for favors or in moments of clarity, just for fun. He speaks often, and about 75% is understandable. More is comprehended by his parents than me. I was there for Halloween and we went to the ZooBoo! an event at the Waco Zoo for safe family fun. It was pretty spiffy, especially with the inclusion of Inga, Richard, and their little boys (Inga's one of those smiley people). Andrew was dressed as a bug, and I have to say cute as a button, and he enjoyed the bouncy castle for the under-3 kids for about 30 minutes before we could get him out again. The zoo had turned the aquatic life displays into pirates, the spider displays into spookiness, etc, etc, and they had a trick or treat line with tons of Skittles. Amy and I had a cookie assembly line for the gift bags she was giving to the kids at Andrew's daycare, and I'm proud of the tasty frosted, sprinkled, ghost- pumpkin- and bat-shaped sugar cookies we produced. I spent my days at Amy's reading the assorted ChicLit and romance books scattered around her house until one ending was so incredibly sappy I had to suspend my reading the genre for another 6 months at the minimum.

So, after three weeks loose I came back home to do more necessary grad school stuff. Recently I've also been doing home improvement work with my daddy. It started with the front porch (now tiled, sealed, grouted, and sealed again - with possibly one more seal on the way), and progressed into the hallway (wooden tiles and glue this time). Depending on may things, this job may or may not be done. They're fun, generally messy, and driving Mum nuts because the house isn't perfectly orderly (oh yeah, and the cat ran around in the glue and tracked into and onto everything :D).

Currently I'm trying to think of what I want for Christmas and what I need for New York. Plus going through clothes, studying French and some random Chinese, dreaming craziness, and getting excited about New York!

I will soon try to post the cuteness of my nephew.
