Friday, August 26, 2005

Workin' and stuff

Oops! I passed out there for a couple of days so I'll get you back on track now.
So the day after the dinner Sarah and I went to the school at about 10:30. We waited for awhile and were introduced to most of the staff and then Heather showed us around the labyrinth of class procedure, schedules, books, syllabi, and curriculum folders. Then I spent the day looking for handouts for the science class and being fairly confused. Later on, I went to the staff meeting, got the things I was supposed to do - more handouts and two syllabi - and gathered my books for the semester. Afterwards, I'm shamed to say, I went home, snacked because I love it, and went to bed at 7 pm - crashed rather - and remained fairly asleep until 5 am. Oh, the way Canadians say 'about' - just precious. So yeah, slept awhile (10 hours), woke up and did some school work (organizing and searching), then took another nap, showered and went to school. This time I took my own laptop but Simon (the fun all-around handyman/chauffeur) couldnt set it up until after lunch because of my security :) Did my syllabi, searched and searched for handouts. Main problems being - no sheets simple enough for 6 yr olds with a foreign language, complete lack of handouts online, Tony's ridiculous curriculum, and probably my searching skills. Anywho Tasha talked to Heather so we wont have to gather all the handouts on Friday, just the first week or two ( Friday because the new semester starts Monday and we're prepping - we dont work weekends). yah.. and so after that - out to eat as per usual - to the Japanese Grill this time. Oh, ridiculous this culture! But it was quite a pleasant experience. I had two types of tofu with two different sauces and levels of spiciness, an omelet with the requisite green stuff in it (some peas in there too perhaps?), very good, ate myself some bean sprouts, and silliest of all ~french fries with cheese. I dont know how this quite came about but I think Gary did it with a convoluted explanation of my eating habits. But glory, glory. Very good, lots of food, gag reflex lessening slowly slowly and cheap. Heh, I think a huge problem the day before was no lunch and then conking out. Today I went and got my lunch at the 7-11 - grape juice and a garlicy pastry. Heather's going to take me to the/a bank tomorrow yay and we're also doing pictures for ... something - advertisement, leaflet, brochure, website, whatever. Plus - and boohoo - I think we're supposed to wear sleeves to work - at the very least to pictures tomorrow. People are askin' about the blog - I'm gonna have to put this up soon. Maybe this weekend. Anywho, I seem to be fairly schedule glorious. I guess I'll read and drift off to sleep. :) Night


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