Monday, July 24, 2006

Greetings, Updates

I'd like to share more of what is going on in my life... except it's not much. If I'm not sleeping, reading or dwelling on my possible direction in life, I'm generally eating or watching movies. The movie from last night, besides having more twists and turns than I would care to summarize, has the only comic rape scene I've ever watched, and this, I assure you, would be hard to explain well. A rare film, Kika - go find it if you're intrigued.
I also recently watched War of the Worlds - 'twas horrid. Ugh. It got some pretty decent reviews too, which is even more disappointing.

I'm starting to find the direction I've been seeking to my life. I'm leaning in the direction of a Masters in Information and Library Sciences, specializing in preservation. Almost decided in fact. I had contemplated art conservation like paintings and such, but it turns out you need boatloads of art history and artistic talent. Oops. I also peeked into Historic preservation, but you generally need some buildings and architecture background. Besides, I've actually always wanted to be a librarian. How cool are librarians? C'mon.
Next step needed to get rolling on this path - pick a school, apply, etc. I've searched out a list of all the ALA accredited schools and am making a spreadsheet of all their pertinent data. I honestly can't tell you if this particular symptom of dorkiness is inherited or inherent. As I've been going down the list, I noticed that my decision may be far easier to make than I previously thought because only a handful of schools so far have the option to specialize in preservation. I've also been pleased to note that a good number of programs don't require GRE scores if you got above a 3.0 in your undergraduate work. Cheers!
So I'm getting fairly excited about all that, though I believe there will be some debt involved. Not as much as I'd originally feared, and it will certainly stay in the low 5 digit range. Excited to go back to school, excited to play with books, excited to be doing something I love, excited to have a direction. I know one of the huge selling points of my last school was the library. It was just that at the time noone had told me I'd have about 10 3-yr olds and the library was going to be filled with stuffed animals that kids couldn't possibly resist.
I'm also preparing for my next vacation, 9 days in Colorado! Almost two weeks if you count the road trip. :) I've started going through boxes and getting out hiking clothes. More excitement.
Well, that's about all the news I've got. Unless something truly exciting happens in Colorado I prob won't be blogging from there, so there won't be an update for a bit. Until next time, au revoir.


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