Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The Indians call it the "City of Love" because it has the Taj Mahal. Francophile that I am, I know the real City of Love is Paris. Yes, back in Europe, where to be a white girl alone doesn't equate to being yelled at in the streets, in cars, doesn't mean that you will immediately be surounded by people demanding money, desiring sex, and are simply pushy and persistent in whatever they want. For some reason, I thought Agra, with it's high tourism rate, would be more behaved. It seems however, that the only thing they've learned is that they can easily get away with such things.

I spent... too much money. Oh well. The upside is that now I have the option of getting into financial troubles and having to sell my jewelry. :D Truly I have some very nice things now, I just feel uncomfortable spenging this kind of money when my life plans are so non-existent.

I spent too much time with men. As respectful of your space as they may initially seem, not gonna stay that way, just trust me. They also fed my driver and gave him drinks and kept him happy, therefore, wherever I wanted to go or whatever I wanted to do, it ended up being as close to them as possible, without asking me of course. In the end, I felt like he was pimping me out and I became generally fussy and yelled a bit.

I spent too much time not sleeping. When I finall escape the clingy men of the day, I rather enjoy my freedom. My only time alone, and I savor it. I end up staying up late late into the night to watch movies and just enjoy my own company. Yet, the lack of sleep didn't make the proceedings of the day any better, and I believe occassionally impaired my judgement.

Other things of note: my driver got bit by a rabid dog, despite men falling at my feet I can't seem to find the man of my dreams, random people expressed happiness to find an American that doesn't drink, and for good times, you have to take off your shoes and walk around the Taj Mahal barefoot, or for special tourists, you can get little plastic bags for your shoes.


At June 29, 2006 11:33 AM , Blogger Matt said...

Are those happy about a sober American American themselves? Sober themselves?

At June 29, 2006 11:39 AM , Blogger ~allie said...

Heh, neither. It was an Indian guy who teaches English in Japan, not drunk yet but not sober. I imagine he's run into his fair share of drunken Americans in both India and Japan.

At June 29, 2006 10:35 PM , Blogger Seth said...

Ha, I almost forgot to add a comment like I promised!

Unfortunately, I have little constructive to add. I might point out where you left out a 'y' at the end of a word in the 4th paragraph, but that's about it other than to ask about the details of your cab driver and the rabid dog bite. I assume that didn't happen while he was driving you around?

At July 13, 2006 9:27 PM , Blogger ~allie said...

Umm the dog bite happened 'kinda' while he was driving me around. He had dropped me off at the gardens at the back of the Taj Mahal and was waiting for my return.


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