Saturday, June 24, 2006

Side Trip

Ah yes, here we are again. To follow precedent:
It was really quite a thing. I was in Jaipur, out on a date at a rooftop restaurant with a guy who tried to sell me some rugs when a random suggestion came from him to visit the desert. Hmmmm. Why not? Next morning we take off.
As bad as my mother is with the lack of humidity in Colorado and the heat in Texas, I think she'd shrivel almost instantly in the dry heat of the desert. But Mum, just for you I'll get a bubble and a humidifier.. or at least, you know, a spray bottle of water - because you guys have to do some of this shit, and I'm coming with you when you do. I believe I'm now an official travel addict.
One of the most amazing things about my travels at the moment is the number of simple but amazing sentences that I can now say truthfully.
I have walked to the desert. (yep, just down that road and it'll be on your right. the desert - can't miss it.)
I have experienced sunrise and sunset in the desert. I have seen the wind blow sheets of sand across the desert (gorgeous). I have laughed at a guy trying to light a cigarette in the desert wind. ;) As before mentioned, I've ridden a camel in the desert.
I've had an Indian sugardaddy and a standing offer of marriage (the smile again - current nickname: Princess/Boss).
I've been invited into Indian homes with the utmost hospitality. I've had tons of chai and finally enjoyed Indian food.
I've had a beautiful Indian woman blow kisses to me (I was trying to find something better than a thumbs up for her food and she misinterpreted the Italian gesture of kissing fingertips - but I enjoy this outcome much better :D ).
I've been the 3rd person on scooter rides in Indian traffic (sorry Mum) and I've stopped counting the number of auto-rickshaw rides I've had.
I've seen sheep herders, mud houses, women carrying things on their heads, extreme poverty -lots of it, cows, hairy pigs, water buffalo, goats, camels, sheep, all wandering the streets.
I finally got to go out at night in India, escorted by four Indian guys to remain worry-free.
I've heard songs from nomadic desert children.
I've found a small tourist village in India that seems to be the destination of every hippie around and I have no doubts as to the existence, sales, and consumption of mind-altering substances there, the latter most likely in the desert for best results. Plus, there was a Pink Floyd Cafe and Hotel there.
I've put an amazing amount of trust in people and have been delighted to find that the outcomes are similarly amazing.


At June 25, 2006 11:15 PM , Blogger David Byrum said...

Hey Allie, the heat must be getting to you "from him to vosit the desert." I think you meant "visit". Sorry, couldn't resist correcting an English major for once. Sounds like you're having a great time, Wimberley is going to seem pretty boring. Nannie read your blog this morning and told me about it so I had to check it out. I've only got 5 days of classes left!

Talk to you later, love, Dad

At June 25, 2006 11:32 PM , Blogger ~allie said...

Haha :D
Hi Daddy!
I've suitable corrected my English, thank you (I'll blame it on the old and dirty keyboards here. Sound good?)I'm glad to hear you are all reading my blog.
Good luck with class!
Laters, love, Allie


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