Friday, July 28, 2006

Road Trip - Destination and Destiny Combined

Last day of heavy travel until our return. Through Kansas – flat, into Colorado –flat. Eventually we started to see the ethereal outlines of the mountains through miles of atmosphere. At first just some dark blue on the horizon, later some of the edges started to show through. The excitement grew.

The year before my mother had taken a wrong turn or failed to get on the right road and we’d found a way to bypass Denver. My parents hate to drive through Denver and it wasn’t a bad route last year, so we thought we’d try it again. Thing is, this path was just as deserted and flat as Kansas was. Exciting thing is, my Daddy hit a tumbleweed! A bona fide tumbleweed! “I killed it,” he said, his voice slightly grieving. Came out of nowhere, ran (tumbled) into his path. :D

We reached our cabin (Hummingbird cabin) just outside of Allenspark and sighed with glorious contentment. It was a perfect little vacation cabin. It was almost all white, tons of windows, surrounded by hummingbirds, decorated in shabby chic style, right beside a little creek, had a lovely back porch with oh-so-comfy chairs, and the air smelled of a clean vanilla (how I love thee Ponderosa pines).

We were sitting outside, making up plans for the night and next day when a guy across the creek started acting strangely. He was saying bear, pointing, and getting down on all fours. At first I thought he was overly friendly and weird, but the pointing was interesting so I hopped up to have a better look. A bear! It was on top of the roof of the cabin across the creek. A big black bear. The first bear I’ve ever seen wild. My daddy took some pictures, it roamed around for a short while and then disappeared. It appeared again on the rooftop during our dinner. We think it’s the same bear that tore up the door to the shed of our cabin. Hmmm. Cute though. J

Anyways, time to spend the night in our awesome little cabin. Yay for Colorado and interior design!


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