Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sunday, Sunday....

I recovered from the light and techno parade last night. Also, Mandy gave us the solution to the cold showers - replace the battery (standard D) in the water heater. Let me repeat - the water heater runs on a battery. You'll know it's out when you get cold showers. Mn hmm.
Woke up this morning - my mind clicking on all gears - and I realized something was odd. I haven't been getting sunburnt. I went out yesterday in full sunlight from noon to 4:30... today, not an inch of even slight pinkness. Realizing I've gone out before and walked for hours, same thing. I don't even have a watch tan. What's up?
You'd think the sun would have some power here as well as everywhere else - esp. with the people all desiring to be as white as possible and using funky creams, parasols, and sometimes even full body cover. Sarah suggested perhaps the pollution protected my fragile skin. Perhaps...
I did indeed go out last night - joined Sarah, Mandy, Brian and Gary on their search for coffee and cheesecake. Unfortunately for them, we stopped at a different sort of place. I had some fried tofu, sweet potato fries with honey, and some very very lemony cold lemon green tea. And of course I stayed up far too late.

NO NO NO NO NO. sigh. pout. My camera is dead. No pictures for you. I'm going to be pouting for awhile.

Mmmm how come all the guy dorks I know are skinny? This whole country is little and skinny, and almost the entire male population just reminds me of .... dorks. Obvious exception for the guys who are too goegeous to comprehend.
Weakness- I've always liked small, cute, little, happy things. Bad idea - move to the country where they make it all, they thrive on it, and import even more of it.
The park on Sanmin was fairly impressive and it had a supercool clocktower. *absense of picture* Not quite what I seek but nice and green all the same. :) However, it was sprinkling and I ended up spending more time shopping on the way there and back, than in the actual park itself.
Next - out to dinner with Sarah and Jesse, then on to night market fun.


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