Surprise! We've changed your job, plus we think you'll like this purple bread!
Mmm lots of change, bear with me here if I forget some of it. I lose 14 hours of teaching, so I'm down to 4 hours a week, 2 classes on Thursday. I've picked up 7 1/2 hours a week (1 1/2 hours a day) teaching/tutoring Heather to pass the TOEFL, so she can be admitted to an online school to get her Masters in Education. Get to know the boss better. Once she's admitted, I'll help her study and learn these materials. Since I'll be essentially learning it all anyway, she thinks maybe I should get my Masters too. Also added to my job description is to continue with recording my voice. I've previously read aloud two stories for the APC4 Storytelling class, so they could have their books read to them on a CD. Now, I will record all the vocabulary for all levels, and starting with level 4 (levels 1-6), I will also read the stories in their books (one story every unit, about 25 units each level). These will be put on Cds and also on the website so the children can study (also for me mum if she's just dying to hear my voice ;). Help Mandy with the reporter class, so that one of you works the camera, the other preps the rest on their delivery and presence. I get to spend a lot of time with a red pen. I get to go into classes and check homework, attendance, their communication books (where they write the day's lesson and homework), help and students who aren't doing well, help and quiz the students who have to stay after class, some telephone teaching, etc. I could get fun organisational projects or anything else that they would wish for me to do. I get to go at will into fun classrooms and play with kids if they aren't busy :) etc, etc.
Lots of change. I should probably explain why. Tony thought it would be fun to teach adult classes, so they created alot of adult classes. Problem - nobody signed up for the classes. So what happens? Do they fire someone? No, Heather wouldn't really be happy with that. The last Chinese teacher that left they didn't replace, they hired another foreign teacher instead. Perhaps get someone to do parts of her job and find other things for them to do also.
Sooo, guess who's superspiffy at organizing, already doing some office work, has a sweet voice for recording, and has experience in tutoring a Ph.D. student?
That's right!! It's me It's me!!
Am I happy with this change? Too soon to tell really. I imagine a lot of it will depend on Heather as a student, though she seems motivated and we get along well. I'm already starting to miss my classes, more than I would have thought really, but hopefully I'll still see my kids, though I will really miss teaching them. I enjoy marking papers and being in the office too though; see the glowing reports about Teresa and Petite. I'm not too sure what will happen next semester, I'm sure Heather isn't either. Gary may be leaving us and that might solve it all. Teresa wanted me to know that they did like my teaching, but in crunch time I had aptitudes that others didn't, putting me in the oddball job that I have now - just too indispensible to be fired. I'll finish this week teaching and then start my 'new job' in October.
Anywho, I signed a contract today to go with my ARC application. Turns out that they don't need to have my diploma translated and therefore I don't need a Chinese name yet. So that's progressing.
And yes, they gave me purple bread. A colorful, bright lavendar I would say. Heather is still worried that I can't find food, so she brought me some bread. Taro (Tarot?) bread she says. I know it's actually purple but I don't know if it's really
this purple. Try it and if you like it, keep it. I liked it, very good and sorta sweet. Then again, everything's sweet in this country.
Later, ~allie