Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Home Sweet Home

We returned home, greeted only by dust and cat hair. The sort of greeting that tweaks my Mum's insanity meter.
With the temperature over 100 degrees outside, my parents set about to cooling the house more with the A/C. Several hours later, we realize that the air coming out of the vents is no longer cold - the A/C is broken. My Mom mopes around spouting gloom and doom - "It's always something. I can't do anything without A/C!"
I decide it's time for a shower. I turn on the water and PHOOMP! Out of the spout comes not only water but ants. Very quickly it's a tub full of ants as they all scrambled to escape. But there was no escape - my father and I set out very methodically to crush and drown them all. Then I showered :D
One of the really nice things about being home at this time is that the Shakespeare Under the Stars performances are going on. I took off to go see Russ's play The Taming of the Shrew, starring Patrick Byers and Annie Bond. Excellent. "Fabulous," I told Russ. So funny. It's rare to see such continual antics on stage and I was delighted.
I'm told the A/C repairman came at 10 PM and fixed whatever was wrong. Good deal.

Pictures of the squirrel in our bird bath compliments of my daddy.
Currently reading - The Art of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Text by Stephen Rebello. Pretty pictures plus random info about Paris, Victor Hugo, the novel and how Disney changed it.
Also: A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle. Highly recommended. A classic. I had read some of his other books, but this is the one that started his whole French series and is the most famous. It is well deserving of any accolades it recieves. Charming, amusing, and inspiring.


At August 21, 2006 10:23 AM , Blogger Matt said...

The idea of a stream of ants flying into my bathtub is tantamount to a horror movie to me. That goes under my "not okay" category.

You? You take a shower in their mass graveyard.


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